The Adecco Group
Head of Solution Delivery Management
Fișa jobului
About us
The Adecco Group is the world's leading provider of HR solutions.
With more than 33,000 FTE employees and a network of over 5,500 branches, in over 60 countries and territories around the world, we offer a wide variety of services, connecting over 700,000 associates with well over 100,000 clients every day.
The services we offer fall into the broad categories of temporary staffing, permanent placement, career transition and talent development, as well as outsourcing and consulting. The Adecco Group is based in Zurich-Glattbrugg, Switzerland and we are a Fortune Global 500 company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
Reporting to: Regional Head of Solution Delivery Management
Job purpose
- Works in close collaboration with the Business Units to understand the business customer and process owner issues and requirements.
- Drives synergies across the business by understanding commonalities across business processes
- Develops and governs holistic target pictures and roadmaps for solutions in coordination with all relevant Business Partners
- Designs, build and implements solutions in accordance local and global IT strategy
- Owns the solutions and ensures Application Lifecycle processes are adhered to appropriately
- Supports applications adoption and interacts with infrastructure support to meet the agreed SLAs
Stakeholders to be managed
- Global Business Partners and local Business heads are the primary customer of solution Delivery
- Architects
- Security & Risk
- IT Production team members
- IT Strategy & Governance team members
- External partners for solution development
- IT Quality Management
Measured on
- Customer satisfaction of solutions delivered to the business
- End User satisfaction of solutions
- Delivery of solutions that meet requirements and are delivered on-time and within budget
- Availability and performance of systems according to Service Level Agreements
- Percentage usage of solutions by business
For more job openings please visit our website and register your CV in our database to be eligible for current or future job openings. Please go to IOS or Android market to download our Apps. All application are considered strictly confidential. Only suitable candidates will be contacted.
“ADECCO RESURSE UMANE is a registered operator of personal data no 15866 / 2010”
Prin transmiterea datelor dvs. personale prin corespondenta electronica adresata oricaror adrese de email cu terminatia “adecco.com” sau “adecco.ro”, prin intermediul retelelor de socializare (Facebook, LinkedIn etc) sau prin aplicarea in cadrul unei platforme online de locuri de munca, va exprimati acordul expres si neechivoc ca aceste date sa fie prelucrate de companiile din cadrul grupului Adecco. Prelucrarea datelor se va face in scopul angajarii dvs. in companiile din cadrul grupului Adecco sau in cadrul altor entitati, realizarea unor rapoarte statistice asupra fortei de munca, participarea dvs. la diverse cursuri de formare profesionala, furnizarea de diverse servicii, datele putand fi comunicate clientilor si furnizorilor nostri, numai pentru scopurile mai sus mentionate, precum si autoritatilor publice, in baza unor solicitari legale. Grupul Adecco a implementat masuri adecvate care sa se asigure un nivel considerabil de securitate a prelucrarii datelor dvs. personale, care vor fi stocate timp de 10 ani. Potrivit legislatiei in vigoare, aveti dreptul de a ne solicita accesul la datele dvs. personale, rectificarea sau stergerea acestora (in masura in care acest lucru nu contravine legii), restrictionarea prelucrarii sau portabilitatea acestora. De asemenea, aveti dreptul de a va pune prelucrarii si de a depune o plangere in fata autoritatii in domeniu. In categoria datelor personale intra: nume, prenume, CNP, vârstă, sex, etnie, rasă, orientare politică, religioasă, starea de sănătate, adresa de domiciliu, reședința, adresa de e-mail, cont bancar, ocupația, venitul, fotografie, adresa IP, orice alt tip de date care se pot corela pentru a duce la identificarea unei personale. ADECCO RESURSE UMANE SRL este inregistrata ca operator de date personale sub nr. 15866/2010. ADECCO ROMANIA SRL este inregistrata ca operator de date personale sub nr. 15862/2010. Pentru orice sesizare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor personale de catre companiile din grupul Adecco, va rugam sa va adresati ofiterilor nostri de protectie a datelor personale la dataprotection.romania@adecco.com.
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