Senior Project Manager with French
Candidatul ideal
We are seeking to hire a skilled Senior Project Manager who defines, plans, organizes and monitors the human and IT resources and the budget necessary to carry out the projects / initiatives he/she will manage.
Ensures individually or by participating in work teams, the analysis, design, elaboration and development of various initiatives / projects.
What you will do:
- Supervise project planning, implementation and monitoring;
- Ensure that the project meets the client's expectations regarding quality, budget, delivery times;
- Defines the general scope of the project, in consultation with the parties involved in the project. Proposes & validates project planning;
- Establishes the priorities / guides the project team in establishing the priorities of the project tasks, based on the analysis of the strategic importance, of the special tasks, obstacles and limitations, of the budgets, resources, deadlines;
- Create or participates in the creation of project documentation;
- Identifie leads, manages and mitigates risks throughout the project. Forward issues to the highest level when necessary to ensure minimal impact on project results;
- Constantly looking for opportunities to increase customer satisfaction;
- Communicate effectively with the parties involved in the project, in order to identify needs and evaluate alternative solutions;
- Communicate to all parties involved in the project the progress, risks, expectations, deadlines, stages and other relevant parameters / elements related to the evolution of the project;
- Ensure the reception of project deliverables by the final customer, develops the project conclusions.
Descrierea jobului
- Minimum 3 years of experience of working experience as a project manager on projects related to operational activities, tool/metrics implementation, transitions, set-up of new activities, product/service development, etc.
- Proven ability to manage projects that combine strategic, financial, operational, management and technological aspects;
- Experience in working with a complex stakeholders environment;
- Leadership capabilities – becoming a trusted partner for stakeholders by displaying a strong work ethic and project management expertise
- Fluency in English and French;
Descrierea companiei
APT Resources & Services SRL
Cu o prezență de peste 25 de ani pe piața românească de resurse umane, grupul de firme APT este prezent în avangarda primilor cinci furnizori de servicii complexe de HR din România.
Ca o confirmare a performantei noastre in domeniul resurselor umane, din vara 2017 am devenit parte a grupului PROHUMAN, unul dintre cei mai mari jucatori de pe piata de resurse umane din zona Balcanilor.
Strategia Grupului APT se concentrează pe dezvoltarea proactivă a pieței muncii, pentru care identifică, pregătește și oferă specialiști competenți, absolvenți sau studenți cu potențial. Noi aducem omul potrivit la locul potrivit. Cu un palmares de peste 15.000 de angajări, acoperim cele mai căutate domenii, cu focus pe BPO, finanțe-bănci, IT&C, inginerie, retail, auto-motive.
Adresa: str. Clucerului 82B2, sector 1 Bucuresti; email: office@apt.ro; phone: +40 21 222 13 03
Autorizație de muncă temporară: seria B nr.0000012/11.11.2015 înregistrată în Registrul Național de Evidență a Agenților de Muncă Temporară la poziția 7
Autorizație de prelucrare date cu caracter personal :18638
APT se angajează să vă protejeze datelele dumneavoastră cu caracter personal. Detalii despre prelucrarea datelor dvs. de către APT puteti gasi pe www.apt.ro.