NN Asigurari de Viata
Financial Accountant (1 year determined period)
Candidatul ideal
NN is looking for a mid-level experienced financial accountant. Ideally, our strongest candidate has experience in the insurance industry, solid knowledge of financial accounting, experience with accounting procedures and IFRS reporting standards.
Descrierea jobului
- Bachelor’s Degree in finance or accounting
- 2- 5 years of experience in accounting
- Solid knowledge of financial accounting, both local and international norms
- IFRS reporting knowledge (basic level)
- Advanced knowledge of MS Office suite
- Nice to have - Peoplesoft knowledge
- English language – medium speaker
Financial Accounting:
- Maintains the system of accounts and keeps records of all transactions, assets and obligations
- Ensures the process of recording accounting transactions, the application of proper valuation of assets and liabilities in accordance with local and international standards and the necessary reconciliation of accounts and sub-accounts in the general accounting register
- Monitors cash inflows
- Forecasting the payment process according to due dates and cash availabilities
- Provides support in making daily payments to external customers, salaries, supplier invoices, taxes and duties to the central / local budget, advances and travel statements
- Provides support in preparing regulatory financial reports to financial supervisory authorities, tax authorities, ministry of finance
- Provides support in preparing financial reports to the group for the company's activity
- Responsible for the correctness, integrity and compliance with accounting standards of accounting records
- Consults and applies local accounting rules and international standards
- Ensures the availability of supporting documents for the accounting records made
- Is responsible for the correctness of the procedures according to the current process
- It is constantly concerned with updating the knowledge regarding the accounting regulations and IFRS reporting standards
- Contributes to the modification / updating of the operational procedures related to the area of activity according to the changes occurred in the accounting regulations and to their communication to other departments
- A team of experts that are willing to share good practices tips & tricks.
- Cool location in a non-crowded aria of Bucharest, very close to the subway.
- Work from home (fully remote in the current social context and afterwards 2 days per week/depending on the project)
- Flexible hours (we get it…it’s not always easy to get up before the rooster)
- Fresh fruits & a very good coffee (for some extra energy)
- Surgery insurance & private healthcare & life insurance & voluntary pension (all because you really matter to us)
- Development programs (do you want to grow? We stand by you.)
- Extra vacation days according to your tenure (some extra vacation time doesn’t hurt)
At NN we believe a diverse workforce allows us as a company to better serve our customers. NN Romania employs a variety of nationalities, languages and cultures, and we aim to create an environment where diversity can flourish. We foster a culture that welcomes and respects everyone.
NN wants to ensure equal opportunities and reward for all employees and extends employment opportunities to all qualified applicants and employees regardless of their age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Descrierea companiei
NN este o companie de asigurări și managementul investițiilor, activă în peste 18 țări, cu o puternică prezență în Europa și în Japonia.
Grupul NN din România, include activitățile NN Asigurări de Viață și NN Pensii, companii lider pe piețele de profil, și NN Investment Partners, numărul patru în topul companiilor de administrare a fondurilor mutuale din România.
Pentru noi, NN reprezintă un capitol nou și interesant în viața companiei, cu noi oportunități de dezvoltare. Promisiunea noastră este că vom continua să fim alături de clienții, angajatii si colaboratorii noștri, un partener apropiat și de încredere. Valorile noastre de bază sunt: ne pasă, suntem transparenți, ne dedicăm.
Valorile noastre sunt expresia lucrurilor noastre dragi, a ceea ce credem și a obiectivelor noastre. Ne unesc și ne inspiră. Și ne determină comportamentul zi de zi.
NN Romania in cifre:
2,2 milioane clienți unici de asigurări de viață, pensii obligatorii și pensii facultative Cote de piață decembrie 2016:
• Asigurari de viata: 32,6%
• Pensii obligatorii (Pilonul 2) - 36,5% în funcție de active
• Pensii facultative (Pilonul 3) - 50,2% în funcție de active