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Fișa jobului

Sales Engineer

Adecco Human Resources Timisoara is recruiting for one of its client, a multinational company that offers air filtration solutions, a Sales Engineer.

Ideal Candidate

Minimum 3 years experience in selling technical products or services to industrial companies
Bachelor's degree in technical field
Excellent technical, communicational and organizational skills
Business English spoken for reporting with line manager

Descrierea jobului

Supporting the growth of the filter business in Romania and developing the market
Presenting technical information, process improvement .
Providing a full package technical solutions and communicate solutions externally to customers (offers, drawings, documentation, etc. mails, conference and phone calls)
Negotiate with customers on prices, deadlines and quantities (to a certain extent)
Develop business proposals, financing solutions
Meeting new and existing customers, developing new opportunities
Training and educating customers
Maintaining customers database
Maintain relations with customers on daily/weekly basis
Perform regular reports of its activities, including monitoring indicators and statistics on clients

Descrierea companiei

Credem in tine!

Construirea unei cariere durabile este un proces continuu in care ai nevoie de motivatie, un plan de actiune, flexibilitate si disciplina. Succesul inseamna cunoasterea calitatilor personale si increderea in acestea. Descopera Adecco si vino sa desenam calea in cariera impreuna.

Cine este Adecco?

Adecco Romania este parte a The Adecco Group, lider local si mondial in furnizarea de servicii de resurse umane. Cu peste 33.000 de angajati full time si aproximativ 5.100 de sucursale, Adecco este prezent in peste 60 de tari si teritorii. În Romania, compania gestionează peste 8.000 de persoane plasate, are o baza de date cu peste 500.000 de candidaţi şi deserveste zilnic peste 600 de clienţi, toate acestea prin intermediul colegilor din cele 15 sucursale raspandite in intreaga tara.

Misiunea noastra este sa oferim oamenilor oportunități de angajare în orice etapă a carierei profesionale, iar companiilor, talentele de care au nevoie. Consultantii nostri sunt entuziasti si pasionati, sunt profesionisti specializati in domenii si industrii multiple, au experienta si capacitatea de a-ti intelege dorintele si planurile de cariera si de a gasi job-ul potrivit pentru tine.

Noi si voi, suntem Adecco.

Daca nu ai gasit un rol potrivit experientei tale, dar vrei sa fii la curent cu job-urile din piata, viziteaza website-ul, sectiunea RESURSE, unde iti poti inregistra CV-ul în baza de date Adecco. Ai vrea ca totul sa fie mai rapid si mai simplu de atat? Atunci descărca aplicația Adecco Jobs valabilă în AppStore și GooglePlay si fii la curent cu noile job-uri.

Toate datele și CV-urile sunt tratate cu confidențialitate si vor fi luate în considerare în proiectele ce corespund experienței tale profesionale.

We believe in you!

Building a successful career is a continuous process in which you need motivation, flexibility, discipline and a good action plan. Success implies being aware of your personal qualities and having trust in them. Discover Adecco and let’s draw the path of your career together.

Who is Adecco?

Adecco Romania is part of The Adecco Group, the world’s leading provider in HR solutions. With more than 33,000 FTE employees and a network of over 5.100 branches, Adecco is present in more than 60 countries and territories around the world. In Romania, the company manages more than 8.000 people, has a database of over 500.000 candidates and serves more than 600 customers daily, all through our colleagues from the 15 branches spread across the country.

Our mission is to provide our candidates with employment opportunities at any stage of their professional career, and our clients, with the talent they need. Our consultants are enthusiastic and passionate, they have professional specializations in multiple industries, and they have the experience and the ability to understand your wishes and your career plan in order to find the right job for you.

Together, we are Adecco.

If you haven’t found a role that suits your experience, but you want to be kept up to date on the job market, visit our RESOURCES section from where you can register your CV in the Adecco database. Do you want everything to be faster and simpler than that? Then download the Adecco Jobs app in AppStore and GooglePlay and stay up-to-date with the new jobs.

All data and resumes are treated confidentially and will be considered in projects that correspond to your professional experience.
Nivel de vechime

Nivel mediu de experiență

Tip de angajare




Sectoare de activitate

Producție electrice/electronice

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