Regional Sales Manager
People Point is recruiting a Regional Sales Manager for its client, a large European group of companies within construction field. They cover a wide array of services - from design to planning, from construction to property and facility services etc. The company has been directly present in Romania for more than 25 and is operating in all construction sectors, with focus on Transportation Infrastructures, Building Construction & Civil Engineering, and other significant directions.
Coordinates the concrete sales and production activities within assigned territory and area of responsibility. Ensures and oversees all the activities for the assigned production facilities. Leads, manages and coordinates a team of approximately 15 people, including sales account managers and production sites responsibles under the direct management. The position reports to the Country Head and is peering other Regional Sales Managers and Financial Managers.
- Coordinates and achieves the sales and production targets for the assigned territory for the concrete products (South part of Romania, approximately 15 counties);
- Mentaining and developing the business relationships with the key partners (clients, suppliers, local players);
- Supervising all concrete production facilities documents, ensures and applies all the legal, qualitative and procedural aspects for the good functioning (internal procedures and legal requirements for environment, functioning etc. as well);
- Ensures all the necessary production resources for the production facilities;
- Supported by the Financial Manager the he/she elaborates and prepares all the contracts with the suppliers, sub-contractors, meetings’ documents, sales documents etc.;
- Monitors and permanently supervises the production processes, the production quality and applying of legal requirements;
- Implements and ensure the application of law, decisions, instructions and directives decided at the headquarters level;
- Elaborates and submits the periodical sales reports, the production reports and the competition survey as well;
- Ensures the strict application of Safety Regulations within production facilites and during all sales and production processes;
- Ensures and is responsible for all the necessary documentation regarding production processes, tehnical inspections and occasional repairing activities;
- Is responsible for all the spedings within assigned territory and area of responsibility;
- Is responsible for all the documents within assigned area of responsibility: contracts (clients, partners, suppliers etc.), financial reports and documents, production reports, sales reports, payroll supervision.
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Construction, with a strong Economics background and/or Sales oriented activities.
- A minimum of 3 years of experience in sales within construction sector.
- A minimum of 3 years as territory coordinator and people manager.
- Driven and results-orientated with focus on details.
- Good organizational skills are required for the position.
- Experience in working within complex, high-level negotiation environments, with fair associated pressure.
- Strong written and verbal communication skills.
- Effective reporting and presentation skills.
- Good computer skills: MS Office, especially Excel with focus on functions for sales and production systems, ERPs.
- Good strategist, good negotiator and true people leader.
- Good level of English (both verbally and in writing).
- Outgoing, sales profile, with excellent networking and relationship development abilites;
- Constantly manifests the desire for the professional development;
- Open, communicative, easily adapts to swift changes;
- Ambitious, looking for the result and optimal soultion;
- Able to stimulate internal discussion towards the desired outcome, in a true, genuine professional, team-effort environment;
- Optimistic, reliable, easy to work with;
- Strong values, principles and work ethics.
- Corporate working environment within a large key player in the sector;
- Motivating benefits package according to the company policy: salary, bonus, corporate perks and the relevant work tools;
- Options for career development based on results and performance.
[RO Version]
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