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Operational Group Manager
Fișa jobului
Job description:
- Coordinates the operational production team in order to achieve the performance goals;
- Participate in working groups to anticipate, search for paths of progress (personnel, flow, industrialization), maintains a dynamic of progress in his area of responsibility; E
- nsures the performance of his Operational Group to realise the objectives established with the workshop management team; S
- olves problems in his area of responsibility together with the support departments involving the team in identifying solutions; Pu
- ts into practice and ensures the application of fundamental safety rules to workplace, quality, maintenance, productivity and progress; Pa
- rticipate in risk analysis at the production workshop, apply the prevention plan; En
- sures competence development of team members, the correct level of versatility and reactivity necessary for good management of unforeseen situations in the workshop; Co
- ntributes to the qualification of operators and accompanies their professional development; Or
- ientates the team to meet the requirements of internal clients; En
- sures the integration of new employees in the team and supports their formation; En
- sures a good working climate and good team cooperation; De
- fines individual and collective goals; Pa
- rticipate in performance evaluation of subordinate staff;
- chelor's degree in tehnical field, Ex
- perience in team management/coordination for at least 3 years; Analysis and synthesis capability, Kn
- owledge of problem-solving methods of analysis, Go
- od PC operating skills (MS Office), Kn
- owledge of French or English medium level, Ve
- ry good organizational and planning skills, Ab
- ility to make decisions, transversal cooperation and customer orientation, Ve
- ry good communication skills,
- ofessional working environment with experienced engineers in the field, Co
- ntinuous development by organizing trainings, Wo
- rkshops and teambuilding, Re
- location/transport bonus, Me
- dical insurance, Sa
- lary bonuses, some of them adapted to individual performance.
Nivel de vechime
Nivel mediu de experiență
Tip de angajare
Sectoare de activitate