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IHM Total Consult
Manager de Producție
Fișa jobului
Descriere Job Obiective
Magnesium is a modern-day material with the potential to shape the future. Our client is a pioneer in this field with vast experience in production and the development of new alloy applications. Their ambition is to develop innovative solutions that can help build that future.
Supervision of the business production area in Terms of Operation; ensure that the process and the production team are organized to meet the production goals set by the company
Responsible of the functionality of the installations, production capacities
Responsible for customer deliveries in requested quantities, time and quality; recognizes and solves problems affecting production including schedules, staff, turnover, quality, and order changes of production line
Performs Analysis of Quality and Production Indicators in order to ensure continuous improvement of performance
Prioritize the activity according the actual results, monitor the action and make sure they are correctly applied
Create the production forecast for twelve months in order to accurately project the production schedule
Leads and implements corrective action in case of crises, emergencies, or critical business situations in consultation with General Manager
Set of the responsibilities, competencies, training and qualification of the subordinate employees
Works with other site managers to assure best practices are incorporated at all sites
Ensure health/safety environmental rules are met; Act on employee problems
Cerinte Experience in managing personal and production activity/area.
Experienced in Magnesium Die Casting or other ferrous metals would be a big plus
Good technical abilities
Communication skills, maturity, teamwork, motivation and determination
Strong personality, able to have authority in front of people, open to adopt new working methods and new mentalities
Ability to coordinate, evaluate and make decisions
Speed of reaction in identifying solutions
Very good knowledge of PC (Microsoft Office)
Very good English knowledge (reading, writing, speaking); German is a plus
Teamwork and Leadership Skills
Positive attitude oriented towards solving problems
Descriere Companie Suntem o companie cu capital integral romanesc care din momentul infiintarii in anul 2004, am reusit sa demonstram prin rezultatele obtinute ca imbinarea experientei profesionale cu seriozitatea si implicarea sunt solutia pentru construirea unui relatii de durata cu partenerii nostri.
Valorile Care Ne Conduc Activitatea
Integritate in cadrul echipei, in relatia cu clientii si candidatii nostri;
Imbunatatirea continua a calitatii si eficientei proiectelor derulate;
Atitudine pozitiva orientata 100% spre client.
Clientii nostri, companii autohtone si multinationale, care isi desfasoara activitatea in tara si in strainantate, au ramas fideli serviciilor oferite si impreuna cu ei am reusit sa ne dezvoltam si sa devenim din ce in ce mai buni in ceea ce facem.
Domeniile De Activitate Ale Clientilor Nostri
Magnesium is a modern-day material with the potential to shape the future. Our client is a pioneer in this field with vast experience in production and the development of new alloy applications. Their ambition is to develop innovative solutions that can help build that future.
Supervision of the business production area in Terms of Operation; ensure that the process and the production team are organized to meet the production goals set by the company
Responsible of the functionality of the installations, production capacities
Responsible for customer deliveries in requested quantities, time and quality; recognizes and solves problems affecting production including schedules, staff, turnover, quality, and order changes of production line
Performs Analysis of Quality and Production Indicators in order to ensure continuous improvement of performance
Prioritize the activity according the actual results, monitor the action and make sure they are correctly applied
Create the production forecast for twelve months in order to accurately project the production schedule
Leads and implements corrective action in case of crises, emergencies, or critical business situations in consultation with General Manager
Set of the responsibilities, competencies, training and qualification of the subordinate employees
Works with other site managers to assure best practices are incorporated at all sites
Ensure health/safety environmental rules are met; Act on employee problems
Cerinte Experience in managing personal and production activity/area.
Experienced in Magnesium Die Casting or other ferrous metals would be a big plus
Good technical abilities
Communication skills, maturity, teamwork, motivation and determination
Strong personality, able to have authority in front of people, open to adopt new working methods and new mentalities
Ability to coordinate, evaluate and make decisions
Speed of reaction in identifying solutions
Very good knowledge of PC (Microsoft Office)
Very good English knowledge (reading, writing, speaking); German is a plus
Teamwork and Leadership Skills
Positive attitude oriented towards solving problems
Descriere Companie Suntem o companie cu capital integral romanesc care din momentul infiintarii in anul 2004, am reusit sa demonstram prin rezultatele obtinute ca imbinarea experientei profesionale cu seriozitatea si implicarea sunt solutia pentru construirea unui relatii de durata cu partenerii nostri.
Valorile Care Ne Conduc Activitatea
Integritate in cadrul echipei, in relatia cu clientii si candidatii nostri;
Imbunatatirea continua a calitatii si eficientei proiectelor derulate;
Atitudine pozitiva orientata 100% spre client.
Clientii nostri, companii autohtone si multinationale, care isi desfasoara activitatea in tara si in strainantate, au ramas fideli serviciilor oferite si impreuna cu ei am reusit sa ne dezvoltam si sa devenim din ce in ce mai buni in ceea ce facem.
Domeniile De Activitate Ale Clientilor Nostri
Nivel de vechime
Nivel mediu de experiență
Tip de angajare
Sectoare de activitate
Tehnologia informației și servicii informatice