AtoS Convergence Creators SRL
HW Designer power electronics
Projects description
One of our major business is to provide turnkey systems and solutions for satellite testing. These testsystems are to be used during the different phases of assembly, integration and verification and test ofthe various subsystems of a satellite (radio frequency units, telemetry and telecommand interfaces andprocessing, power supplies and simulation, payload and instruments).The test systems are designed, configured, assembled, integrated and tested in our labs and finallydelivered to our customers (major satellite manufacturers) and commissioned at their premises. The testsystems comprise our own products for satellite protection and interface testing and are fully controlledby our test software. Some of our equipment accompanies the satellite to its launch site and is used toverify the satellites proper functioning via umbilical cables till lift-off. The projects are usually run inmulticultural teams.
What are my responsibilities?
- HW development of power electronics boards (digital and analog parts)
- HW integration, debugging, bring-up, functional block test, system testing
Which qualifications do I need?
Expert Know-how:
- Excellent expertise in power electronics, switching power supplies and generally in digital andanalog circuit design. (Vienna rectifier, multiphase buck converter, dual active bridge, FPGA &DSP related circuitry).
- Expertise in design & simulation, bring-up, debugging and integration of such power electronicssystems.
- Measurement techniques (signal generator, signal analyzer, oscilloscope, … )
- Beneficial know-how: control engineering, Altium Designer, related simulation tools
- Profound know-how of similar power test systems.
- English (min. level B2)
Professional Experience:
- Several years of proven industry experience in HW design, integration and test with powerelectronics with digital and analogue functional blocks.
Soft Skills:
- Take ownership and responsibility
- Intercultural cooperation, team player
- Analytical and solution orientated
- English min. level B2
- Working in AT - Vienna
- Start: asap
- Duration: 5-8 months – prolongation possible
Nivel cariera
Middle (2-5 ani)
Limbi vorbite
engleză, germană
Adresa/adresele jobului
21 Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu, Brașov
Salariu brut pe luna
2000 - 3000 €