Customer Relationship Officer - ING Office Focsani Zimbrul
Candidatul ideal
Daca stii despre tine ca:
Ai studii superioare in domeniul economic;
Stii sa lucrezi in Word, Excel, Power Point si Outlook;
Relationezi si comunici foarte bine cu oricine;
Stii sa imbini lucrul in echipa cu atingerea obiectivelor individuale;
Iti place sa interactionezi cu clientii si ai experienta anterioara intr-un rol similar.
Vino in echipa ING Office. Te asteapta:
Experiente de invatare centrate pe competente precum comunicare si negociere;
O organizatie orientata catre clienti si pasionata de idei indraznete;
Colegi veseli si ambitiosi, gata oricand sa te ajute.
Descrierea jobului
Misiunea ta:
Sa fii un ambasador al produselor si serviciilor ING Bank, dedicate clientilor persoane fizice.
Ce vei face in acest rol?
Promovezi produsele si serviciile bancare ale ING Bank destinate persoanelor fizice (conturi, carduri, credite, asigurari, fonduri mutuale);
Participi activ la realizarea target-ului de vanzari si la atingerea obiectivelor calitative;
Oferi consultanta clientilor si ii sprijini in realizarea operatiunilor;
Inregistrezi/actualizezi informatiile primite de la clientii nostri in programele ING;
Identifici solutii pentru clienti si dezvolti relatii pe termen lung.
Descrierea companiei
ING Romania is part of ING Group, a global financial institution with a strong European base, offering banking services. We draw on our experience and expertise, our commitment to excellent service and our global scale to meet the needs of a broad customer base, comprising individuals, families, small businesses, large corporations, institutions and governments.
ING Romania was established in 1994 and pioneered the local banking industry, bringing new products and services for local corporates. In 2004, it extended services to individual clients, with an innovative banking model – ING Self’Bank. Today, ING Romania has over 1,100,000 individual active clients and ING Home’Bank is rated as the best digital banking application.
ING Software Development Center in Bucharest, is a global hub for technology & innovation, developing scalable IT solutions across ING, in areas such as Core Banking, Big Data, Financial Markets etc. Now a key Transformer in the field of technology, ING Software Development Center started as a Profile Center of Excellence, but has rapidly grown into a global hub and the main provider of IT solutions for ING Group. The hub was opened in 2015 and it is currently working with 11 countries.
Our customers are at the heart of what we do and our purpose is to empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.