Bobinator motoare electrice
Bobinator motoare electrice
Candidatul ideal trebuie sa stie:
- Sa faca bobinaj motoare electrice de curent continuu si alternativ;
- Sa lucreze cu motoare de current continuu si motoare de curent alternativ;
- Sa efectueze revizii ale motoarelor de curent continuu si alternativ;
-Sa aiba experienta anterioara in bobinaj motoare de curent alternativ si curent continuu
-Sa aiba studii in domeniul electric, mecanic
-Sa aiba aptitudini manuale bune
-Sa aiba cunostinte de mecanica pentru motoarele electrice.
The Company
Hellenic Cables its subsidiaries and Icme Ecab . constitute the cables production and trading segment of Viohalco and are member of Cenergy Holdings ., a Belgian holding company that focuses on long-term value creation by investing in leading industrial companies, focusing on the growing global demand of energy transfer, renewables and data transmission.
Hellenic Cables . is active in the manufacturing of cables, conductors, enamelled copper and aluminium wires, as well as plastic and rubber compounds. Over the past decade, the cables segment companies (Cablel® Hellenic Cables ., Fulgor . and Icme Ecab .) have evolved into the largest cable manufacturer in South-Eastern Europe, exporting to more than 50 countries. Its production base consists of six plants in Greece, Romania and Bulgaria which manufacture a wide range of products from high voltage submarine cables to extra high voltage power cables and enamelled wires. The cable segment companies’ product portfolio is commercially traded under the registered brand Cablel®.
Icme Ecab has industrial facilities in Bucharest, Romania. The company has a wide product portfolio which includes cables for indoor installations, power, control, industrial applications, low and medium voltage, are-retardant, are-resistant and halogen-free cables, telecommunication cables, signaling, remote control and data transmission cables, copper and aluminium conductors, as well as plastic and rubber compounds.